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Added 15 April, 2015

Glowing cocktails coming to a rave near you

Drinking, partying and club life in the 21st Century are continuing unabated, what which breathalyzers now a relatively common sight in corner stores and pharmacies, and Red Bull firmly established as a go-to mixing ingredient. Now XUVO, a tablet that's meant to be dropped in drinks, is looking to become the Next Big Thing. Combining the current obsession with energy supplements, EDM (electronic dance music), and the many glowing neon objects that are ubiquitous at dance clubs, XUVO tablets make drinks blacklight reactive, lighting up with a neon glow. Flavored with names like Neon Mojito and Cosmic Apple, the tablets are made with the now-familiar energy supplements taurine and guarana. Flavor aside, XUVO combines two elements that have proven popular at clubs and raves across the world – glow sticks and stimulants – and integrated them with the all-important alcohol. A recipe for success? The “multi-sensory” experience that results is part of a larger trend toward deepening our collective relationship with alcoholic beverages by adding an appeal other than taste and intoxication. It's likely we will continue to see more "innovative" new cocktails debut in bars and clubs worldwide.

First spotted by Brickney
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