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The Official Trend Watching Site
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Daniel Levine
The Avant-Guide Institute
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Member since 05/22/2013
21 trends spotted
138 trends loved
World's first asteroid mining ship is ready to launch
Most AI-Powered Customer Service is Not Ready for Prime Time
What comes after dynamic airline pricing? Dynamic supermarket pricing, of course
Rising seas are not stopping rising house prices
Robots are taking our jobs: Cocktail robot now at Singapore airport
World's First Lab-Grown Sushi Bar Opening in San Francisco
KFC teams with Russian biotech to 3D-print chicken nuggets
Global plane travel increases to outdoor destinations
Fast culture: The first feature film set in the covid era is already here
Will Coronavirus further promote divisiveness or create unity?
Optimism is starting to peek through at some travel companies
Domino's GPS pizza tracking is rolling out in North America
Lyft is offering car rentals straight from their app
Drones are now being used to deliver insulin to an Irish island
Multi-lane, drive-through-only fast food restaurants are now a thing
Waymo autonomous cars can now legally carry passengers in California
World's first vaccine developed with AI is now in trials
Luxury travelers are spending even more on wellness
Even IKEA is getting into the food delivery market
Twentysomethings lead the trend for alcohol-free beer
Britain enacting world's first plastic tax for products with less than 30 per cent recycled material
Domino's has real-time GPS pizza delivery tracking
Robots taking our jobs: AI-generated fashion models
Is co-living for families the Next Big Thing?
Luxury "cat hotels" are opening near airports to support frequent flyers
Animal companion robots for dementia therapy
AI tech helps identify shoplifters before they steal anything
Robots taking our jobs: Self-cleaning hotel rooms at Copenhagen's Hotel Ottilia
Insurance firms turn to blockchain to fix the broken US healthcare system
Personalized medicine: 3D pill printer makes one-of-a-kind pills
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