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Daniel Levine
The Avant-Guide Institute
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Member since 05/22/2013
19 trends spotted
156 trends loved
World's first asteroid mining ship is ready to launch
Hollywood filmmaking is getting deeper into AI
Will mobile phones become history as Meta pushes into eyewear?
Rising seas are not stopping rising house prices
Robots are taking our jobs: Cocktail robot now at Singapore airport
Quick, accurate and no small talk: Robot manicurists now taking clients
Mercedes-Benz now leads Tesla in autonomous tech
New eye drops can now be used in place of reading glasses
Dubai is first government in the world to go paperless
Uncertain times: Made-to-fade tattoos last about a year
Now event restaurant chains are jumping on the ghost kitchen trend
New Chicago office building designed for post-COVID sensibilities
Doctors are using Augmented Reality to treat coronavirus patients
Covid-19 will make the 'ghost kitchen' trend stronger than ever
Optimism is starting to peek through at some travel companies
Medical Psychedelics are trending
Robots taking our jobs: World's first autonomous gold mine
In Brazil, sharing economy now extends to surfboards
SpaceX announces space tourism flights starting next year
Autonomous shuttle busses now being tested in Australia
World's largest bus system is going electric
Robots taking our jobs: Autonomous golf caddies
Beverage brands joining the growing ‘Sober Curious’ movement
Next up for mobile: Screen protectors that give smartphones 3D screens
Singapore trials full size autonomous electric busses
Tech startup launches GPS tracker for cats
What's after human DNA kits? Cat DNA kits, of course
Here comes flexible phone displays
Smartwatch battery bands triple the power to your Apple Watch
PNC Bank offering dynamic CVV credit cards with continuously updating security codes
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