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Daniel Levine
The Avant-Guide Institute
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Member since 05/22/2013
16 trends spotted
143 trends loved
Major snackfood companies are using AI to create new flavors
Hollywood filmmaking is getting deeper into AI
Smart bird feeder identifies individual birds by name
Renewables giant making wind turbine towers from wood
Where do drone deliveries go? Into smart mailboxes, of course
Electric Ships Re-Charging at Offshore Wind Farms
This is the world’s largest lab-grown steak
World’s first emission-free container ship is launching
Quick, accurate and no small talk: Robot manicurists now taking clients
Lab-grown crab meat now available in Singapore
British city converts bus stops into green "bee stops"
As vaccines roll out, people want 'post-pandemic bodies'
Ghost kitchens popping up in hotels worldwide
The Maldives Launches the World’s First Loyalty Program for a Country
Global plane travel increases to outdoor destinations
Spain to start opening to overseas tourists in July
What comes after "food bowls"? Food plates, of course
Hospitals are using iPads mounted on robot dogs to help doctors
Etihad is first airline use tech to test passengers for Covid-19
Hotels create quarantine packages for travelers wanting to self-isolate
Plastic surgery trends continue to be influenced by selfies and social
SpaceX announces space tourism flights starting next year
Cardboard beds for athletes for green 2020 Olympics
Companies in Sweden want their employees to take fewer flights
Drones are now being used to deliver insulin to an Irish island
Robots taking our jobs: AI develops world's first vaccine
Even IKEA is getting into the food delivery market
Automated store Amazon Go has growing competition
Cheap "Tiny Weddings" are trending
Robots taking our jobs: Autonomous golf caddies
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