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Added 11 December, 2013

In Korea, the world's first hydrogen-based community

While some people in the world of fuel are getting excited by the advent of automobiles that run on hydrogen, a town in Korea is going far beyond that dream by creating the first community in the world in which all the electricity comes from that common gas. The town of Ulsan is home to Korea's largest hydrogen producer which is currently building a plant that will power the town's homes and businesses. As many as 300 major Korean companies are involved in the project which, if successful, could point to a new trend in renewable energy. Calling itself a "green hydrogen town," Ulsan is also home to a Hyundai automobile plant that is creating a line of hydrogen fuel-cell cars. While the jury is still out as to which renewable resource will win the eco fuel race, the fact that the world is developing solar, wind, hydrogen and other energy solutions points to a greener fuel future no matter which direction this trend turns.
First spotted by Quibbler
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