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Added 17 November, 2017

The Magnetic Glider: Because clean windows are always on-trend

One of the great things about writing for Wikitrends is that we see the best of innovations every day. The Glider from Tyroler is a terrific example of this. For as long as there have been windows, there has been the problem of keeping them clean. And that goes double for the outside of hard-to-reach windows. The Glider offers a creative solution: connect the outside cleaning mechanism with one that is inside, via super-powerful magnets that even work through thick double glazed windows. The result is that you can clean the outside of your windows, while staying in your room. There is no other simple way to clean the exterior face of large windows that are wider than an arm’s length and on floors above ground level. And it works!

Strawberry Cow
First spotted by Strawberry Cow
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