28 July, 2017
Rise of "beg-packers" funding their trips around the world
Shameless rise of the 'beg-packers': Astonishing phenomenon of Western backpackers who beg for money to fund their travelling as they journey through some of the world's poorest regions. Backpackers in southeast Asia have started begging to fund their trip through the continent. Many are questioning why people with expensive travel equipment and cameras needed to beg for money. Interestingly, the move follows from an internet trend which saw people using crowdfunding websites to finance their travels.
The trend has caused outrage among locals, who say the tourists are taking money from the truly needy in order to finance lifestyle choices many consider a luxury. Yet Western backpackers are increasingly taking to begging on the streets of southeast Asia. In fact, Westerns begging for travel money has become a common sight across Asia, including in Vietnam, Singapore, and Thailand – all of which is shocking to local populations who are used to seeing only the poorest members of their societies begging on the streets.
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