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Added 27 March, 2018

Robot workers are being tested at Pizza Hut

Robots are now assisting customers at Pizza Hut locations in Singapore, alongside other staff members currently working at the outlet. To place an order, customers first have to greet the robot and pair their Mastercard Masterpass account embedded in the Pizza Hut Singapore mobile app. They can then verbally tell the robot their orders and show a QR code that will provide their table information. Payments are made using Masterpass. The robot is also not exposed to payment instruments or customer credentials, which minimises the chance of sensitive information being compromised. "This initiative gives people more choices without ever compromising security and provides more reasons for people to go cashless," said Mr Tobias Puehse, vice-president, Labs at Mastercard Asia Pacific. The robot is developed by Japan-based SoftBank Robotics, makers of the "Pepper" robot which has been used in customer service and retail.

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