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The Official Trend Watching Site
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Daniel Levine
The Avant-Guide Institute
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Member since 05/22/2013
18 trends spotted
152 trends loved
Teacherbots: Robot Ani is a personal AI tutor
Hotels are becoming fitness clubs – and vice versa
Travel journalism suffering from self-inflicted credibility issues
China takes big leap forward to becoming a cashless economy
Tourism jobs increase despite the introduction of AI
Ski resorts are turning to 100 percent renewable energy sources
Computer-generated fashion models are now a thing
Digital smartphone app drivers licenses are being tested in Finland
Now you can use augmented reality to learn piano
Cashless economy: Seattle Starbucks tests digital-payment only coffee shops
Large British supermarket chain is banning plastic packaging
Augmented Reality Sunglasses Connect to Amazon's Alexa
Alt Accommodations: Luxury ski-in/ski-out "treehouses" now for rent in Montana
Amazon Patent's Mixed Reality Mirror for Virtually Trying on Clothes
Voice search is one of the biggest trends in online retail in 2018
Autonomous Delivery Robots Now Using Facial Recognition
Target stores join need for speed trend in streamlining checkouts
Finnish bakery launches insect-based breads
London Tests Running Double Decker Buses Partly on Coffee Grounds
Are avocado toast ice cream sandwiches the next Cronut?
24/7 Gift Pick-Up Services - Nordstrom's 24/7 'Curbside Pick Up' Brings Goods to Consumer's Cars (
Brain sensing sunglasses give instant feedback on what's in your head
Maternity-tracking wearable keeps an eye on prenatal health
Just launched: World's first AI supercomputer for fully-autonomous robotaxis
Smart necklace tells you when you are slouching, and more
World's first hologram theater is opening in Los Angeles
Office robots already helping to lower clerical costs
Infused waters are taking over the wellness world
Robot dentists are performing automated oral surgery
Fingerprints are so last year: British supermarket offers "finger vein" payments
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