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Added 7 October, 2013

Will personal hydrogen reactors replace traditional electricity grids?

Hydrogen-powered automobiles are already on some roads and the technology is improving. The logical next step is to remove buildings from the electricity grid by placing a self-contained hydrogen power station in each one. Sound too futuristic? Consider the Hydrogen Reactor Portable Power Pack from Brunton, a little power system that never needs charging and can be purchased right now for just $150. The self-contained unit combines hydrogen from rechargeable cells with oxygen from the atmosphere to generate power. When a cell is discharged, replace it with a full cell and keep charging. The unit is going on sale in the United States, but is subject to export restrictions, as its technology is on the U.S. Commerce Control List. When scaled up, units like this can be counted on to power entire homes. At the moment, however, the United States is benefiting from low natural gas prices, which is shunting competing technologies to the sidelines. But as a form of clean combustion, hydrogen may soon be competing with hydro, wind and photoelectric cells for the eco-electric dollar.
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