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Added 19 August, 2013

In Argentina, even Coca-Cola caves-in to the all-natural trend

Five years ago, Koert Van Mensvoort at the Next Nature Network, envisioned a fake product called Organic Coke to spark discussion of how corporations use natural imagery or biomimic marketing and greenwashing to sell products. Now, it turns out, Coca-Cola has actually done it, launching a "natural" Coke called Coca-Cola Life in Argentina. At the very least, this move proves that the natural eating movement is mega mainstream. A trend for the rest of our lives. Coca-Cola Life is said to be an all-natural, low-calorie soda packaged in a fully-recyclable plant-based bottle. The marketing imagery for Coca-Cola Life also comes equipped with all the requisite accoutrements of a "green" product. From the earth-tone colors of the logo and consistent use of green, outdoor settings, it is clear Coca-Cola is trying to show this product as having a closer connection with nature and the environment – another long-term trend that the drink's marketers are looking to exploit.
First spotted by melonSmasher
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