Customizable sneakers get even more customizable
It's been few years since sport shoe giants Nike and Adidas have been offering customers the ability to customize their own sneakers by choosing the colors of various parts. The success of this offering is partly due Millennials’ desire for uniqueness, a result of being told ad infinitum as children that each is a “special snowflake.” Whether or not there’s truth to the accusations of that generation's unique brand of self-absorption, personalization and customization remain important consumer drivers. Now Adidas has gone one step further in their offering of fully customized sneakers via their website. Not only can you tweak the colors and design, now you can also upload almost any unique photo or image to be printed on your shoes. Want shoes with a picture of the beach from your Caribbean vacation? How about your tattoos, personal logo or guitar heroes? Alas, just no pornography, violence or copyright violations, says Adidas. Pretty soon, all of our sneakers will be their own special snowflakes, too.