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Added 20 April, 2013

World's first 3D printed aircraft takes flight

The airplane is an unmanned drone completely created in a 3D printer, including wings, integral control surfaces and access hatches. It was printed on an EOS EOSINT P730 nylon laser sintering machine, which fabricates plastic or metal objects, building up the item layer by layer. No fasteners were used and all equipment was attached using 'snap fit' techniques so that the entire aircraft can be put together without tools in minutes. The electric-powered aircraft, with a 2-metres wingspan, has a top speed of nearly 100 miles per hour, but when in cruise mode is almost silent. The aircraft is also equipped with a miniature autopilot. Because no tooling is required for manufacture, radical changes to the shape and scale of the aircraft can be made with no extra cost.
First spotted by TechBr0
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