Older Americans Buck Trend of Decreased Homeownership
U.S. homeownership rates have declined among most major demographic subgroups -- including by household income and region -- except among older Americans, whose homeownership rates have held steady. Overall, homeownership is down eight percentage points, from 71% to 63%. These findings are based on data from Gallup's annual Economy and Personal Finance poll, combining results from two periods of those April surveys, specifically 2001 to 2009 and 2010 to 2017. Homeownership grew after 2001, peaking at 73% in 2007 as many bought homes using subprime mortgages. Homeownership held at 70% through 2009 after the housing bubble burst and amid the financial crisis but has not returned to that level since. Younger adults, low- and middle-income Americans, and those living in the West have experienced above-average drops in homeownership. But declines are apparent among groups with traditionally high ownership rates, including upper-income Americans. Among Americans living in households with incomes of $100,000 or more, homeownership has dropped below 90% since 2009.