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The Official Trend Watching Site
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Daniel Levine
The Avant-Guide Institute
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Member since 05/22/2013
19 trends spotted
154 trends loved
Whale watching with drones takes off
Trend Alert: Hotels building super-rooms to lure the super wealthy
Wearable computing trend continues with hands-free headset hats
Language Trends: Young Canadians no longer saying "eh"
Pope Francis is rebranding Catholicism
Outdoor advertising becomes interactive as British Airways billboards point to actual planes flying overhead
Fragrances go from backcountry-to-vanity table
New Yorkers can now buy beauty products from subway vending machines
Will Google Glass change the face of classical music?
Latest fitness fad: High-intensity interval training
iRobot takes the telecommuting trend to the next level
Healthful, local eating trend is now officially everywhere as farmer's market pops up in airport terminal
BayCycle may improve commutes, and raise property values
Architecture continues to get greener as carbon-negative bricks are embraced by builders
Will houses be next? starts selling cars
Waitresses being replaced by technology as restaurants put electronic menus on tables
3D printing coming to the masses as $100 printer/scanner goes into production
In the US, new highways are encouraging people to drive less
Cashless society moves a step closer as PayPal debuts in-store wireless payment system
What's after smart cars? Smart transport grids, of course!
Are "man-gagement" rings the next wedding trend?
Hotels get greener as Hilton puts wind turbines on the roof
In bid for high-end families, airline offers nannies in the sky for passengers with kids in tow
Mobile phone attachment trend: Wind-speed meter
Solar powered Hungarian train beats Elon Musk's Hyperloop to the punch
Japanese automaker says it will be selling self-driving cars by 2020
In Brooklyn, artists use the CSA model to sell directly to collectors
Got a 3D printer? Never buy shoes again!
Coffee connoisseurship trend: Bourbon barrel aged coffee beans
In USA, cable TV feud is training viewers to embrace piracy
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