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The Official Trend Watching Site
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Daniel Levine
The Avant-Guide Institute
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Member since 05/22/2013
23 trends spotted
142 trends loved
In the UAE, mosques go digital
In cities, waste heat generated from subways will soon be warming homes
Is three-way stereo the next music trend?
Trend Alert: A drone in every garage
Police surveillance getting a high-tech makeover with GPS-tracking bullets
McDonalds happy meal toys 3D printed on demand
Latest fitness fad: High-intensity interval training
Launching in 2015: Space tourism gets another competitor
Coming in 2015: Will flying cars change the way we live?
3D screens are the next frontier of desktop computing
Workations are among the fastest-growing segments of travel
Will houses be next? starts selling cars
User's manual mobile app can visually identify hundreds of car parts
Champagne is latest product to get on the life story labeling trend
Pretzels are popping up on menus everywhere
Living Architecture: Climate-responsive building expands in warm weather
Maker Trend: Create your own bubble gum kits
Fresh food trend: Restaurant only cooks food the same day it's harvested
What's after smart cars? Smart transport grids, of course!
Hyper-personalization: Online dating meets real-world matchmaking
Now Google stepping into the booming online education market
Now that coffee pods are everywhere, get ready for fresh-brewed soup pods!
Wearable tech now connecting us to our machines as Nissan unveils a smartwatch
Mobile phone attachment trend: Professional light meters
Clothing designers incorporating wearable tech into existing accessories
Thrill-seeking continues to rise, and theme parks oblige with more shocking rides
The age of wearable computing begins
Will wearing headphones at concerts become the new normal?
US military embraces crowdsourcing to solve technical challenges
In Brooklyn, artists use the CSA model to sell directly to collectors
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