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Queen Bee
Member since 06/25/2012
33 trends spotted
164 trends loved
Queen Bee
Sushi burgers taking healthy fast food to the next level
Clever packaging: Diving watch in a bag of water
Death-care industry reports that cremation is the hot burial trend
NASA-made materials give Muslim prayer mats an ultra modern upgrade
Does Amazon's new virtual currency mean that Bitcoin and others are going mainstream?
Emirates airline to offer on-board hookah lounge
Smoked tomato, grilled peaches and whiskey marinades top summer grilling fads
Pageant culture thrives in Brazil as 65-year-old becomes Miss Geriatric beauty queen
Online work is the future of women in technology
Why the 40-hour work week is a thing of the past
Will Bluetooth locks mean an end to metal keys?
Facial-recognition technology goes mainstream at Dublin Airport
American hotels giving up on ancillary fees in favor of raising room rates
Modernist Cuisine folks now looking to change home kitchens with modernist cooling tools
City laundromats use Amazon-style lockers so you can collect your laundry anytime
3D printing goes mainstream as printers go on sale at Staples
Puppy pampering getting more extreme with meat flavored ice cream for dogs
Mustache mania is a facial hair fad in full swing
Chanel jumps on vending trend with a machine dispensing mascara
New home theater trend goes IMAX
Are shelved gardens the next trend in green design?
Urban Outfitters alligns itself with food trends by launching vegan fashion line
Guest-sourced images are replacing traditional wedding photographers
Travel companies begin pot tours in the USA, as Colorado becomes the "new Amsterdam"
The Internet is putting the final nails in the coffin of printed travel guidebooks
Fizzy drink revolution ups the ante with new fridge that dispenses sparkling water
Music industry in state of flux as unsigned band tops Billboard charts for first time in two decades
Dolce & Gabbana is latest designer to launch perfume for babies
The European Space Agency is contemplating 3D printed moon-bases
iPotty comes with with integrated activity stand for an iPad
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