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Added 15 April, 2015

Restaurants now making diners wait months to meet their meat

There are a handful of cities around the world that are known for great steak. Most are in the United States, like Houston, Chicago and Las Vegas. New York steaks, in particular, are known for being especially flavorful because they are dry-aged, a process that reduces moisture and ups the flavor. Well, almost all trends we see seem to get even more so as time goes on... and that's exactly the case with the aging of steaks. Chefs are one-upping each other to offer the longest-aged, most flavorful meat. As a benchmark for this trend, you should know that most dry-aged steaks lay around for about 28 days before they are cooked and served. Now, many restaurants around the world are offering steaks that have aged for months. New York's Eleven Madison Park has served a 140-day aged rib eye. And the restaurant Apoktek in Reykjavik, Iceland is serving a 280-day aged steak that is one of the most delicious pieces of meat we've ever eaten. 280 days! That's over 9 months of aging. The result is a more concentrated flavor, and an earthiness that can be compared to Gorgonzola cheese, which might not interesting everyone, but we hope this is one trend that will last.

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