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Cocoa Loco
Member since 05/22/2013
18 trends spotted
153 trends loved
Cocoa Loco
World's first asteroid mining ship is ready to launch
Social media companies start to admit social media is harmful
Smart bird feeder identifies individual birds by name
Most AI-Powered Customer Service is Not Ready for Prime Time
Trend alert: Scientific paper credits ChatGPT AI as an author
What comes after dynamic airline pricing? Dynamic supermarket pricing, of course
Forget augmented reality headsets: Here comes AR contact lenses
219 unit Manhattan condo built 577,367 pounds of recycled waste
Lab-grown crab meat now available in Singapore
Digital avitars replacing humans on Alter Ego
American amusement parks begin hiring thousands for reopenings
USA is hiring 6000 airport screeners because travel is recovering
Ghost kitchens popping up in hotels worldwide
More tech helping shoppers buy from companies that align with their politics
Covid-19 good for business: Virtual banking habits boom
Buying seeds, planting gardens and growing scallions in jars is trending
Unsurprisingly, autonomous delivery bots are trending
Hotels create quarantine packages for travelers wanting to self-isolate
China smart hospital is staffed by robots
Delta earmarks USD $1 billion to become a carbon neutral airline
Electric fire trucks are coming to Los Angeles
Delta Airlines baggage workers are testing powered exoskeletons
Walmart is now testing autonomous deliveries
Robotic coffee bars appearing at US airports
Germany proposes meat tax to combat climate change
Companies in Sweden want their employees to take fewer flights
Robots taking our jobs: DFW airport installs bot baggage handlers
Lyft expands into bike sharing
Luxury travelers are spending even more on wellness
Domnio's is offering autonomous pizza delivery in Houston
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