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The Official Trend Watching Site
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Daniel Levine
The Avant-Guide Institute
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Member since 06/21/2012
58 trends spotted
199 trends loved
Online work is the future of women in technology
Lunch-time dance parties are trending in NYC
Wearable computing goes to the head with a heart rate sensor cycling helmet
Baby sensor sends a Tweet when diaper needs a change
American hotels giving up on ancillary fees in favor of raising room rates
Line between art and commerce definitively gone as Keira Knightley stars in Karl Lagerfeld film about Chanel
City laundromats use Amazon-style lockers so you can collect your laundry anytime
iPhone "cry translator" helps parents understand their babies
3D printing goes mainstream as printers go on sale at Staples
Mustache mania is a facial hair fad in full swing
Domino's embraces transparency trend with live pizza cams
New materials keep shirts fresh for 100 days of wear
Wearable fitness monitors move from humans to dogs
Galapagos gets the world's first eco-airport
Vodka brands newest flavors and types now include one made from cow's milk
Coke looks to make peace between nations via interactive video vending machines
Electronic tattoos let doctors monitor patients remotely
Cinnamon tequila leads the charge of new flavored tequilas
Incresingly digital lifestyles are requiring better tools for storing passwords
Japanese ramen gets trendy in London
New morning beverage trend? Mountain Dew releases sparkling breakfast drink
The raw food revolution is now transforming the eating habits of pets
Theater offers free seats to audience members who agree to tweet about shows in real time
Washington Post app fact checks speeches in real-time
Mobile device keyboard projects on any surface... and fits on a keychain
Edible Food Packaging Coming to Fast Food Restaurants
Big brands creating new category of food-beverage hybrids, like drinkable oatmeal
Wooden iPhone alarm clock dock puts new tech into an old style case
McDonald's goes local, opening first vegetarian restaurants in India
Is Carbonated Liqueur the New Cristal Champagne?
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