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Cocoa Loco
Member since 05/22/2013
18 trends spotted
153 trends loved
Cocoa Loco
Russia gets an AI news anchor
Silence as a luxury option: Uber launches Quiet Mode
The blurred lines of hotelling: Airbnb opening Manhattan suites
Drone delivery now operational in Australia
Bots taking our jobs: This new interview robot won't judge you
DNA testing kits at US grocery stores
US Postal Service introduces smart mailboxes
Diamonds are transparent as Tiffany introduces provenance tool
This is the world's first totally 3D-printed motorcycle
PNC Bank offering dynamic CVV credit cards with continuously updating security codes
Robots taking jobs: Autonomous construction workers
Terrafugia now accepting orders for first flying cars
Robots are taking our jobs: Dry cleaning vending machines
Healthcare virtual assistants are keeping records straight for doctors and patients
America's FDA approves over-the-counter hearing aids
Even McDonald's knows that Americans are seeking out new flavor profiles
Emotion-trackers are the Next Big Thing in wearables
What's after rooftop gardens? Commercial rooftop vineyards, of course
World's first commercial drone-delivery service takes flight
What comes after home delivery? Food right to your train seat, of course
The end of privacy: Facial recognition tech at USA borders scans everyone who enters
Need for Speed: New fast food drive-thrus are meant only for pickups
TV viewers learned who royal wedding attendees are via facial recognition AI
AB InBev to run entire fleet of long-haul trucks on clean energy by 2025
British train passengers can now purchase tickets by voice via Amazon Alexa
Accessing smart assistants via wireless earbuds is turning us into cyborgs
Teacherbots: Robot Ani is a personal AI tutor
In China and India, Clean air is the new status symbol
More fitness gyms are using human energy to create electricity
US State of West Virginia is testing blockchain secured voting apps
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