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Added 18 October, 2018

Robots are taking our jobs: Dry cleaning vending machines

UK company vclean life is launching a network of vending machines for busy Londoners to drop off their dirty laundry and pick it up clean and folded within 24 hours. the vdrop is introduced as more convenient, eco-friendly alternative to the standard dry-cleaning service, and is fit with an inbuilt tracking system which allows users to keep an eye on their garments every step of the way. vclean life has developed the vdrop machines as a network, meaning that garments can be dropped off in one location and picked up in another the next day. for each drop-off, users will be given a unique QR code, which they have to scan when popping in their laundry, and then again when picking it up. besides fast and convenient, the vdrops are also rather cost-efficient with any item, no matter the fabric, priced at 3 british pounds (around 3.4 euros/ 3.9 US dollars).

Cocoa Loco
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