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The Official Trend Watching Site
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Daniel Levine
The Avant-Guide Institute
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Member since 05/22/2013
16 trends spotted
137 trends loved
China's new "forest city" is designed to combat air pollution
In the UK, selling only sustainable fish is going citywide
Starbucks occupies Wall Street with efficiency-first store design
Animal rights activists are winning heart and minds in the horse-drawn carriage debate
University is handing out iPads like candy
Smartwatches now making news stories even shorter and faster
Next up: Reusable "smart" cups
Kombucha makes major moves into the mainstream
Craft liquor trends: Scotland's first distillery in a century
Populist art keeps coming to public places
Glowing cocktails coming to a rave near you
3D printing takes to the water in a boat of many colors
Trend Alert: Dog boots are in
Mobile phone attachment trend: Now mobile phones make scents
Hotel chain differentiates itself through health and fitness
The musician Pharrell is banking on the fact that eco issues matter
Will this Scottish island be one of the world's first 100% sustainable regions?
Fast-food restaurants are using healthier ingredients in response to consumer demand
Trend Alert: Hotels building super-rooms to lure the super wealthy
Mind-control exoskeleton will help paralyzed teen kick off the 2014 World Cup
World's first solar-powered car is announced. But will it catch on?
The sharing economy: A trend that takes the cake
Binge television watching: Last year's trend is now the new normal
In South Africa, exhibition opens featuring 3D-printed chocolate sculptures
Electric auto charging stations embedded into NYC streets
Wearable computing trend: Bracelet lets you feel your loved one's touch
In the future, your mobile device will have a screen that lets you feel as well as see
Will seafood dinners gain in popularity with the launch of the world's first crab hatchery?
Will ultra-lightweight skateboards make the sport better, faster, stronger?
London restaurant is the world's first to operate on hydroelectricity
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