The Official Trend Watching Site
powered by Daniel Levine and The Avant-Guide Institute
Kolobokman's picture
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Added 11 September, 2013
Rooftops have long been the battlegrounds of the green, sustainability and locavore movements, providing sustenance to the building's occupants. Planted roofs came first, offering natural insulation from heat and cold. Then someone had the bright idea to plant the roofs with edibles, which has the added effect of feeding the people below too. It...
Quibbler's picture
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Added 10 September, 2013
The mountain kingdom of Bhutan is famous for measuring Gross National Happiness as a quotient more important than Gross National Product. Now the Himalayan nation is looking to become the world leader in organic farming. "We are nearly all Buddhists. Being kind to the environment and the planet has a central meaning for us," says Kesang Tshomo,...
Strawberry Cow's picture
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Added 9 September, 2013
A few years ago, people used to make fun of the United States as having some of the worst, watery beer in the world. But now all that's changed, what with the rise of the craft brewing trend that has turned this country into one of the most dynamic and interesting brewing centers of the world. Increasingly, we are seeing brewmasters creating...
melonSmasher's picture
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Added 9 September, 2013
As online restaurant delivery apps and other services abound, hotels are finding the competition is getting to be too much. Room service is an expensive proposition for hotels, as you need to keep a kitchen staffed and delivery people on call. And guests resent the high prices and extra delivery fees. Some hotels, like New York's Hilton Midtown in...
Haggis's picture
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Added 8 September, 2013
It seems like everything is fair, moral, principled and virtuous these days and the trend obviously reflects a desire among consumers to live well, do the right thing and be enlightened stewards of the planet and kind to its inhabitants. And while we think that's terrific, there are lots of brands that are popping up to take advantage of that...
Night_Hawk's picture
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Added 3 September, 2013
Despite the fact that it is one of the most common elements on earth, many people swear by bottled water, even if their municipal taps are fresh and clean. No matter that most bottled waters sit in plastic bottles for who-knows-how-long soaking up the plastic's chemical who-knows-what. What can we say, bottled water is a trend. Businesses like it...
Pawblo Pugcasso's picture
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Added 2 September, 2013
Cynics may say that Mike Roberts is making amends for his time as president and COO of McDonald's. But to us, it's clear that Mr. Roberts has seen the trend, and he is following it with his vision of the next generation restaurant chain. That vision is called Lyfe Kitchen, a healthful-food restaurant that cares about environmental stewardship....
cave_dweller's picture
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Added 29 August, 2013
On WikiTrend, we've already covered Cow's milk vodka, buttered popcorn vodka, waffle flavored vodka, and even wasp-infused vodka. Next to come down the pike is salted caramel vodka, proving once and for all that there is a trend in the making. EFFEN Salted Caramel Vodka is supposedly both sweet and savory, though to be honest, we haven't tried it...
Retro_Reactive's picture
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Added 28 August, 2013
Sounds weird at first, but then lots of things do. Sprayable Energy is a new Indiegogo project that delivers caffeine directly through your skin. Spray it on, like a cologne. One of the benefits touted by its makers is that you can carry a multi-week supply of energy in your pocket. And you don't have to swallow one of those bad-tasting drinks....
Pizza Guy's picture
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Added 27 August, 2013
Facial recognition is at the forefront of trends at the moment. It's similar to the apps that recognize songs and apps that recognize products in stores. Now, just as Shazam tells you what you are listening to, a new app for wine labels will let you know what you're drinking. Called Drync, it's kind of like having a sommelier in your pocket. The...