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b0unty hunter
Member since 06/25/2012
57 trends spotted
153 trends loved
b0unty hunter
In USA, fast-food health revolution continues as Chick-fil-A joins the trend
Wearable tech trend intensifies as it moves to underwear
New era begins as Colorado store gets America's first recreational pot sales license
Electric auto charging stations embedded into NYC streets
Once again, beards are having their moment
Will Mercedes-Benz become the car of choice for thrifty hipsters?
Grateful Dead-branded beer hits the shelves as musicians seek alternative sources of revenue
Why is a $3 gold-color phone sticker so popular in China?
For patients, wearable computers will be as common as filling a prescription
In New York, highway rest stops become "Text Stops" to combat distracted driving
Gender-neutral products marketed to women: Hello Kitty Beer
LEGO Mania: Bottle caps become toy building bricks
How can megachurches in the US be growing when their houses of worship are getting smaller?
Fresh food trend: Restaurant only cooks food the same day it's harvested
Window shopping goes digital as app shows storefronts in real-time
American luxury cars are a big hit in China
Mobile phone attachment trend: Turn your smartphone into a virtual reality video device
Latest "Foto Fad": POV shots with hot dogs as legs
NASA launching 3D printer so Space Station can build parts on-demand
In USA, cable TV feud is training viewers to embrace piracy
Tesco opening free community meeting rooms in their stores
Loyalty going digital as shops reward you for walking in the door
Online Everywhere Trend: New Delhi train station now offering free Wi-Fi
Mobile Everywhere Trend: Service coming to all 277 subway stations in New York
Face recognition payment system now lets you pay with a smile
Hit film "Tiny Times" offers a window into China's newly materialistic youth
The future is now: 3D-printed drones hunt for drug-running boats
Culture clash as Taittinger becomes Official Champagne of FIFA World Cup amid protests against inequality in Brazil
World's first full-featured Smartwatch ushers in new era of wearable tech
What's after craft beer and craft spirits? Craft water, of course!
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