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M.C Mooch
Member since 06/25/2012
60 trends spotted
175 trends loved
M.C Mooch
World's first asteroid mining ship is ready to launch
Social media companies start to admit social media is harmful
Pet cloning is on the rise
Stock photographers are one of the first jobs replaced by AI
Self-service doctor pods are popping up across the USA
AI is identifying Earth-killer asteroids before they become a problem
Major fast food chain going all-electric in their kitchens
What comes after dynamic airline pricing? Dynamic supermarket pricing, of course
New thinking about traffic lights is putting pedestrians first
Facial recognition comes to smart pet doors
Pandemic accelerated trend toward more outpatient health care
Amazon Aware is the company's new private-label for "woke" goods
219 unit Manhattan condo built 577,367 pounds of recycled waste
World's first men's makeup store opens in London
World's First Flying Car Finally Makes It's Debut
AI enters the doctor's office
Ghost kitchens popping up in hotels worldwide
Mushrooms are trending on lots of 2021 food lists
Istanbul Airport is providing antimicrobial and antiviral uniforms to staff
Covid-19 good for business: Virtual banking habits boom
Restaurant suppliers selling to consumers is a trend
American cops testing “Pandemic Drones” to monitor physical distancing
McDonald's using AI to know what you want before you do
Remote working products and services are trending
China smart hospital is staffed by robots
Telepresence robots are rolling out in hospitals
Plastic surgery trends continue to be influenced by selfies and social
Electric fire trucks are coming to Los Angeles
Delta Airlines baggage workers are testing powered exoskeletons
Crowd-free is new luxury in tourism as North Dakota promotes its open spaces
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Andy WhaleHol
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