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powered by Daniel Levine and The Avant-Guide Institute
Etcetera's picture
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Added 30 April, 2015

Reusable coffee mugs have been gaining traction over the past few years as the responsible choice for java drinkers worldwide. More and more, people are choosing to be greener by avoiding ordering beverages in container they only use only once. And many companies nudge their patrons in this direction by offering discounts on drinks (and food)...

German Smith's picture
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Added 28 April, 2015

Known for years in alternative health havens around the world, kombucha is making its move into the mainstream, showing up with increasing frequency in restaurants and on store shelves. Fans say the drink strengthens immunities, helps digestion and can even prevent cancer. Others claim to just like the taste. Meet kombucha – a fizzy brew made...

Clawde Monet's picture
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Added 27 April, 2015

One hallmark of our green-conscious age has been the rapid rise of reusable, cloth grocery bags, sold at checkout counters or brought from home. Some cities have banned single-use plastic bags altogether, which others encourage (or require) stores to charge a few cents for them. Either way, plastic bags and other packaging create obvious issues...

Dakota Fang's picture
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Added 26 April, 2015

Coffee connoisseurship has officially trickled down to the masses. Everyone drinks coffee, it seems, but truly gourmet cup of joe used to be the exclusive domain of a lucky snobby few. Over the past few decades we have witnesses a long-simmering trend that is slowly but surely making connoisseurs of us all. Starbucks, of course, gets the most...

redngold's picture
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Added 25 April, 2015

As we've pointed out many times, numerous retailers the world over are looking to turn themselves into lifestyle brands that escape product typecasting to supply their customers with all manner of goods and services that fit into consumers', well, lifestyle. Problem is, most brands just do the one thing they do well. The answer to this...

b0unty hunter's picture
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Added 25 April, 2015

While on the one hand alcoholic beverages continue to get wackier, incorporating new gimmicks from energy supplements to neon coloring, the trend towards traditional, high-end, small batch booze continues unabated. In a clear sign that Scotch Whiskey is in demand, the first single malt distillery is opening in Scotland in over 100 years. The...

redngold's picture
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Added 15 April, 2015

With the dry-aging steak trend on the rise, perhaps it's not surprising that this year's "must-have" home kitchen accessory is not a wine cooler, but a home meat locker. Coupled with the foodie trend in which home chefs are getting far more serious about what they cook, we're seeing more and more interior architects designing meat storage...

quill's picture
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Added 15 April, 2015

There are a handful of cities around the world that are known for great steak. Most are in the United States, like Houston, Chicago and Las Vegas. New York steaks, in particular, are known for being especially flavorful because they are dry-aged, a process that reduces moisture and ups the flavor. Well, almost all trends we see seem to get even...

Brickney's picture
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Added 15 April, 2015

Drinking, partying and club life in the 21st Century are continuing unabated, what which breathalyzers now a relatively common sight in corner stores and pharmacies, and Red Bull firmly established as a go-to mixing ingredient. Now XUVO, a tablet that's meant to be dropped in drinks, is looking to become the Next Big Thing. Combining the...

coreFinder's picture
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Added 14 April, 2015

Celebrity Cruises is jumping on the creative cocktail trend by hiring bona fide mixologists to staff many of their onboard bars. Most bars on cruise ships are pretty decent – you usually have your champagne bar, your martini bar, a big lounge with live performers, and a nightclub offing dance music of one kind or another. But Celebrity Cruises...