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The Official Trend Watching Site
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Daniel Levine
The Avant-Guide Institute
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Member since 07/13/2012
35 trends spotted
168 trends loved
The end of privacy: Facial recognition app identifies strangers
The Internet of Things gets closer with the wold's first smart barbeque grill
Wearable computing trend continues with hands-free headset hats
Wearable tech trend intensifies as it moves to underwear
Kittyo gives new meaning to kitten play
Face scanning technology at Tesco may change British retail
Heads up displays now incorporated into ski goggles
Coming in 2015: Will flying cars change the way we live?
Trend Alert: New London beer is both hyper-local and crowd-sourced
BayCycle may improve commutes, and raise property values
Solar panels go mainstream as IKEA announces they will sell them in flat packs
User's manual mobile app can visually identify hundreds of car parts
In the future, will all surfboards be made from mushrooms?
In Louisiana, a new Brewery Trail promotes driving from bar to bar
In Pakistan, children chewing betel nut has reached an all-time high
In the US, some jails are going vegetarian
Line between art and commerce blurs further as music videos become seamless shopping experiences
What's after smart cars? Smart transport grids, of course!
In Florida, tourism industry gets behind the electric car trend
Nails meet fad: Mood Polish
Actions are where it's at: Charity accepts good deeds instead of money
Clothing designers incorporating wearable tech into existing accessories
Mobile attachment trend: Synchronized flash for mobile phone cameras
Milk is enjoying a renaissance
The era of centerfield-to-table dining arrives as MLB stadium plants an organic garden
What's next after roof gardens? Gardens atop public buses, of course!
Online Everywhere Trend: New Delhi train station now offering free Wi-Fi
Elite fliers get more perks as airlines start delivering checked bags to your home
Free, government-sponsored Wi-Fi is becoming ubiquitous
Family-reunion tourism is on the rise
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