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The Official Trend Watching Site
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Daniel Levine
The Avant-Guide Institute
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Member since 06/25/2012
58 trends spotted
149 trends loved
Kate Middleton is single-handedly setting fads for maternity wear
Talk to the hand with mobile phone-embedded "smart-gloves"
Popsicles are the next frontier of the artisanal trend
Online shops continue to go offline as eBay launches 24-hour storefronts in Manhattan
Self-destructing messaging gains as Internet privacy attracts attention
Riyadh Ritz-Carlton joins growing trend and opens women-only floor
Sushi burgers taking healthy fast food to the next level
Coffee snobs celebrate: Starbucks joins the French Press and vacuum pot trend
Special access trend: Guests at The Mark in NYC can shop privately at Bergdorf's 24/7
Virgin Galactic sets Christmas Day as the day space tourism begins
Does Amazon's new virtual currency mean that Bitcoin and others are going mainstream?
Emirates airline to offer on-board hookah lounge
High-tech app shows you where the cheapest, closest available parking space is
Airport food worldwide is getting the gourmet treatment
Millennials Are Rewriting the Rules of Work and Entrepreneurship
Why are Americans eating more smoked seafood products?
Are you hip to the slow coffee trend?
Lunch-time dance parties are trending in NYC
Facial-recognition technology goes mainstream at Dublin Airport
Line between art and commerce definitively gone as Keira Knightley stars in Karl Lagerfeld film about Chanel
Modernist Cuisine folks now looking to change home kitchens with modernist cooling tools
Alcohol levels in wine are trending up to accommodate consumers taste
City laundromats use Amazon-style lockers so you can collect your laundry anytime
3D printing goes mainstream as printers go on sale at Staples
Mustache mania is a facial hair fad in full swing
Bitcoin ATMs launched in San Diego
Glow-in-the-dark plants to become electricity-free night lights
Brew at the Zoo beer festivals taking off
New home theater trend goes IMAX
New materials keep shirts fresh for 100 days of wear
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