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The Avant-Guide Institute
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Holy Blonde
Member since 06/25/2012
45 trends spotted
151 trends loved
Holy Blonde
(active tab)
Self-service doctor pods are popping up across the USA
Supermarkets price vegan products to match animal-based equivalents
Renewables giant making wind turbine towers from wood
Travel Destinations Promoting EV Charging Stations to Draw Tourists
SWISS airplanes will fly using non-carbon fuel made from concentrated sunlight
World’s first emission-free container ship is launching
IKEA goes into the environmental electricity-provider business
Domino’s debuts autonomous robotruck pizza delivery
Uncertain times: Made-to-fade tattoos last about a year
Istanbul Airport is providing antimicrobial and antiviral uniforms to staff
Work-from-Resort is the latest travel trend
Spain to start opening to overseas tourists in July
Artificial Intelligence is able to judge personality based only on selfies
Doctors are using Augmented Reality to treat coronavirus patients
Drive-in funeral homes are now a thing
Buying seeds, planting gardens and growing scallions in jars is trending
Hong Kong planning marketing blitz to revive tourism by July
App aims to detect COVID-19 using AI voice analysis
The Body Shop becomes first big retailer to implement Open Hiring
Asian countries slash 2020 visitor arrival estimates up to a third because of Coronavirus
AI is now better than human doctors reading ECGs
Multi-lane, drive-through-only fast food restaurants are now a thing
Robots taking our jobs: DFW airport installs bot baggage handlers
Robots taking our jobs: Autonomous golf caddies
What comes after hotel key cards? Biometric entry, of course
Augmented Reality restaurant and bar menus are expanding
Luxury tour operators are expanding wellness offerings to meet demand
Bots taking our jobs: This new interview robot won't judge you
Here comes silent fast food drive-thrus, because youth don't talk on phones
Robots taking our jobs: Autonomous snowblowers
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